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Do You Want to Know What Top 10 Skills Employers Look For When Hiring A Candidate?

Do You Want to Know What Top 10 Skills Employers Look For When Hiring A Candidate?

skills employers look for getting a new job is about more than just your past experience. What employers look for in employees? Most employers are looking for people with the right types of skills to make them a fit for the job. There are a few skills that employers look for in the candidates. No matter what the open position is, and having these skills can make you more marketable to recruiters. These skills include communication, problem solving and teamwork. In order to get your resume noticed, ace the interview, and land the job, you have to ensure you’re showing that you’re in possession of the top skills employers look for when they onboard new staff.

skills employers look for

To prove you’re the candidate the skills companies look for, you have to demonstrate that you have the following skills jobs look for: time management, interpersonal skills, communication skills, and active listening. Each job position requires a certain set of skills, but there are many indeed skills that jobs look for are transferable across positions and that employers actively seek out in candidates. In this article we will discuss the common skills most professionals should possess and what do employers look for. So let’s get started. 

what skills do employers look for the most ? 

Now the first question arise is how employers knows about your skills. The answer is Highlight your most marketable skills on your resume and cover letter allows employers to quickly see what you have to offer as a candidate. Second question is what are employers looking for? The more relevant skills are, the more attractive you’ll appear to hiring managers. While each industry has its particular skills needed for a job, there are also core competencies that span across all professions. These are considered key employability skills and attributes are essential to being an effective employee. Tick Mark your skills checklist before put in your resume. list of skills for employment are: – 

Must Read – How to write perfect skills and experience on a resume

List of the top skills employer look for: – 

    1. Communication skills
    2. Leadership skills
    3. Teamwork skills
    4. Interpersonal skills
    5. Learning/adaptability skills
    6. Self-management skills
    7. Time management skills 
    8. Organizational skills
    9. Computer skills
    10. Problem-solving skills
    11. Strong work ethic
skills employers look for

1. Communication skills

Communication skills is the most desirable skill for (skill for work) any job. Employers prefer team members who can successfully interpret   what is being asked of them as well as effectively communicate with others. The most common skills in resume is  communication skills; which include: – 

1. Writing 

2. Speaking

3. Listening 

4. Negotiating 

5. Presenting

2. Leadership skills

Leadership skills one of the soft skills that many traits employers look for in top candidates; that can be helpful at all levels of your career. From managing a team to contributing to a project in a leadership role. Leadership skills help you to motivate others and ensure tasks are complete promptly. Common leadership is the best skills to have on your resume include

1. Active listening

2. Dependability

3. The ability to give and receive feedback

4. Patience.  

3. Teamwork skills

Teamwork is another soft skill. It is an asset to any professional who is part of an organization or works with other individuals in their daily operations. Employees skills list will surely benefit from this skill. Regardless of your job role or industry, many employers consider teamwork skills a must when reviewing applicants for an open position. Teamwork skills enable you to work effectively within a group and to successfully function within an office setting. examples of skills include: – 

1. Honesty

2. Empathy

3. Communication

4. Responsibility

5. Awareness

6. Collaboration

7. Coordination

4. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are skills that allow you to interact with and work well with others. Even if you aren’t in a position that requires you to work directly with customers, you still probably need skills for work with colleagues and managers, making interpersonal skills important. These skills enable you to build relationships, communicate effectively and handle situations in an appropriate manner. Interpersonal skills are things employers look for include: –

1. Active listening

2. Teamwork

3. Responsibility

4. Dependability

5. Leadership

6. Motivation

7. Flexibility

8. Patience

9. Empathy

skills employers look for

5. Learning/adaptability skills

Learning skills are skills jobs are looking for you to learn new things and adapt to new situations within the workplace. This is especially important given the ever-changing workplace and the need for employers to stay competitive by implementing new initiatives. Having good learning and adaptability skills can set you apart from other candidates and show employers your willingness to learn and change when necessary. Examples of learning skills include: – 

1. Collaboration

2. Communication

3. Critical thinking.

6. Self-management skills

Self-management skills are skills that allow you to manage your time and be as productive as possible within the workplace. These skills ensure you prioritize tasks effectively, focus on your professional growth and contribute to your organization as a whole. Good self-management skills to include on professional skills list are – 

1. Time management

2. Organization and

3. Self-motivation.

7. Time management

Time management is crucial in nearly every job position, and especially those in which the employee is working mostly on their own unsupervised. This skill is one of the good skills for jobs are also essential for management positions; and those in leadership roles, as they often have to oversee not only their own work but the work of their employees as well. Since a company’s most valued skills are employees qualities who are able to both multitask and be efficient, ensuring you communicate this through the hiring process is critical. Quality time management skills employees look for when hiring new candidates include:

1. Planning

2. Self-starting

3. Prioritizing

4. Goal setting

5. Stress management

6. Organization

7. Delegation

8. Organizational skills

Organizational skills are essential employee skills list to an employee’s productivity, time-management and goal achievement. They are beneficial in any professional position and are highly sought after by employers. Organizational skills that are especially important include: –

1. Planning

2. Critical thinking

3. Attention to detail

4. Conflict management.

9. Computer skills

Nearly every occupation requires the use of a computer in some capacity. Many jobs require more in-depth knowledge of computers, so including this skillset on your resume is necessary to show employers you are familiar with computer basics at a minimum. If the job you are applying for requires more advanced computer skills, be sure to highlight these on your resume as well if you possess them. Top skills to learn are computer skills that include:- 

1. Email management

2. Word processing and typing

3. Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

4. Data entry

5. Social media

10. Problem-solving skills

Problem-solving skills refer to the ability to manage challenging situations at work productively and positively. This is especially important skills to have for employees who work in a large organization or as part of a team, but they are often consider essential skills for nearly all occupations. An employer wants to know how you handle what can be a stressful situation. While listing work experiences on your resume; showing your problem solving skills is important, you’ll also want to communicate you have this skill during the interview.

11. Strong work ethic

A strong work ethic is another excellent skill to highlight when applying for jobs. Skill employers want employees who they can trust to perform their duties and meet deadlines without having to micro-manage them. A strong work ethic is a soft skills employers want that gives you the ability to put all of your efforts into completing your work due to your belief that your work is important and will strengthen your personal character. A good work ethic is important in virtually every career but is especially important in positions that are more taxing, such as those of doctors, nurses, and first responders. Skills that fall under the soft skill of a strong work ethic include:

1. Discipline

2. Integrity

3. Accountability

4. Initiative

5. Self-motivation

6. Time management

7. Professionalism

8. Commitment

9. Dependability

skills employers look for

How to improve your skills

There are several steps you can take to improve your workplace skills, including:

  1. Identify the skills you want to improve on. Choose one of two skills you want to focus on improving and put your efforts into working on those until you feel confident you’ve mastered them.


  2. Set goals. Setting goals for each skill is an important part of getting better at them. For example, if you want to increase your typing speed, set a goal of how fast you want to be able to type by a certain date, and then work achieve that goal.


  3. Ask for feedback. Asking a close colleague or friend to identify the skills you need for a job and to work on/to provide feedback as you work to improve on those skills is a great way to measure your progress and get honest assessments from others.

In short these are Top 10 Skills/good job qualities employers look for:

  1. Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization.
  2. Ability to work in a team structure.
  3. Technical knowledge related to the job.
  4. Ability to make decisions and solve problems.
  5. Ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work.
  6. Proficiency with computer software programs.
  7. Ability to obtain and process information.
  8. Ability to analyze quantitative data.
  9. Mastery to sell or influence others.
  10. Ability to create and/or edit written reports.

Why is it important to include a skills list on your resume?

The skills section/ skills list on your resume is the place where tops hiring managers can quickly see the abilities you possess; and if you match the requirements for the job seeking skills you’re applying for. Many employers pay close attention to this area of your resume, as it provides idea to the employer as to whether you can successfully perform the job or not. and if you’re lacking any skills required to work in the position. Including relevant and quality skills in the skills section of your resume. 

In a nutshell, the skill section of the resume provides an idea to the employer – what skills do you have, your capabilities, strengths, weaknesses. Whether your skills match the employer’s expectations or not. 


In the above article we discuss the top skills employers look for while hiring candidates. The skills are also divided in two types of skills i.e. hard skills & soft skills in description. A candidate possessing the above skills while appearing for the interview definitely help him to get a job. For more updates related to career, education, jobs stay tuned at

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